

Area 51 Area 51 is synonymous with tales of UFOs, government cover-ups and potentially testing alien technology. military installation, Nevada, United States Area 51, secret U.S. Air Force military installation located at Groom Lake in southern Nevada. It is administered by Edwards Air Force Base in southern California. The installation has been the focus of numerous conspiracies involving extraterrestrial life, though its only confirmed use is as a flight testing facility. U-2 U-2, a U.S. high-altitude aircraft, c. 1957. * [Who designed U-2? The U-2 aircraft was designed by aeronautical engineer Kelly Johnson, head of the Lockheed Corporation's famous, semisecret "Skunk Works." It was based on the fuselage of the supersonic F-104 Starfighter interceptor.] *[When did the U-2 first fly? A prototype of the U-2 aircraft first flew in 1955.] *[How high can the U-2 aircraft fly? The U-2 aircraft, built of aluminum and limited to subsonic flight, can cru